Business Management
Paramedical Science
Computer Applications
Before we hire you, the first step would be to know something about you. Spend some time to tell us what makes you a worthy employee. Prepare your resume tailored to the specific position and craft your cover letter to illustrate your experience and present your skills, and email it to us at and wait for the interview.
Once you have submitted your resume, the human resource department will evaluate your profile and give you a call when their is a requirement matching your credentials.
Candidates whose resume are found in sync with the vacant job will be given a call from the HR department for a telephonic discussion.
Candidates who are deemed fit during the telephonic discussion are given a chance to appear for an in-person interview, wherein they are assessed by the heads of the department where they might be employed.
Before we hire you, the first step would be to know something about you. Spend some time to tell us what makes you a worthy employee. Prepare your resume tailored to the specific position and craft your cover letter to illustrate your experience and present your skills, and email it to us and wait for the interview.
Anyone who will be employed as a teaching staff will have to show there competency in imparting knowledge to students in a class room environment, where there knowledge of the subject matter and there presentation skills as a teacher, are assessed.